
Monday, April 27, 2009

Open records decisions issued by attorney general

The following Open Records Decisions were issued by the Office of the Attorney General on April 24, 2009:
1. 09-ORD-067 (Jefferson County)
Jefferson County Division of Probation and Parole properly denied request for information obtained by parole officer, and investigative reports generated by her in discharging her official duties, on the basis of KRS 439.510, incorporated into the Open Records Act by operation of KRS 61.878(1)(l). Although the division admittedly violated KRS 197.025(7) in failing to issue a written response within five business days, the agency's ultimate disposition of the request was entirely correct.

2. 09-ORD-068 (Marion County)
Marion Adjustment Center properly relied upon KRS 197.025(2), incorporated into the Open Records Act by operation of KRS 61.878(1)(l), in denying inmate's request as the record(s) being sought do not contain a specific reference to him.

3. 09-ORD-069 (Mercer County)
Northpoint Training Center did not violate the Open Records Act in declining to provide copies to requester without prepayment of reproduction charges. In accordance with KRS 61.874(1) and applicable precedent, the denial is affirmed.

4. 09-ORD-070 (Oldham County)
Roederer Correctional Complex did not violate Open Records Act in failing to respond to a request that was not successfully transmitted to it, and otherwise properly disposed of issues on appeal by furnishing requester with the only existing record responsive to his request.

For full texts of the decisions, see Links of Interest below.

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